Why Your Team Needs A Devil’s Advocate

    I love my job.

    I love training. I love to see the look on a participant’s face when they suddenly “get it” and learn a new concept.

    I also love what I learn from my participants. I’m the trainer but I learn a lot from my participants as well.

    I’ve got to share something I learned recently.

    This happened while I was facilitating a two-day training on critical decision making, accountability, and how to promote healthy conflict on a team.
    I was talking about how important it is to play the devil’s advocate when making a decision in order to avoid an RBD (Really Bad Decision). A participant jumped in to the discussion with a great idea:

    When a team is working through a big decision, assign one person to be the Designated Devil’s Advocate. Their job is to challenge everything, think of a reason why that idea won’t work, why that decision will fail dismally.

    The responsibility for the Designated Devil’s Advocate would be assigned to a different person at every meeting to avoid becoming the “Negative Ned, or Nancy.”

    Then It occurred to me a team also needs a Designated Driver; one team member assigned to champion the idea on the table. Again this task would be assigned to a different person at every meeting.

    Simple, but profound!

    Did I tell you I love my job?

    Tim Hast is a consultant at Encore Life Skills.  His mission is to develop leaders you’d want to follow and teams you’d want to join.  Tim is an Authorized Everything DiSC Partner and a Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team facilitator with Wiley.  

    By | 2019-01-16T20:12:23+00:00 January 16th, 2019|Critical Thinking for Crucial Moments, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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