Ruthie Hast
In 1998 Ruthie graduated with honors, earning a Master of Education in Community Counseling from the University of Central Oklahoma. Before becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor, she taught junior-high English, then became a full-time mother for fifteen years. Ruthie recognizes that her two former careers prepared her for the field of counseling therapy. Some of Ruthie’s programs include:
- Mother-Daughter Communication
- Women’s Issues
- Communication Coaching for Couples
- Behavior Modification
- Anger Management
- Aggression Control and Management
- Marriage Seminars
Ruthie has been married to Tim for forty years, and the couple has two grown sons. Along with Tim, Ruthie loves to present seminars that focus on strengthening marriages. She helps couples cultivate mutual love and respect, healthy views of themselves and their mates, effective communication skills, and successful problem solving. She thoroughly enjoys being married to her best friend and wishes the same for other couples.
Ruthie was employed as a trauma therapist after the May 3, 1999, tornadoes in central Oklahoma. During this time, she received extensive training in disaster response and trauma therapy. Throughout a year of working with survivors within the Trauma Model, she developed skills and perspectives that inform all areas of her work. Ruthie is a Level II EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) practitioner and applies it regularly in her work with clients.
Ruthie is fascinated by birth order and family-of-origin issues, and she enjoys working with family members to help improve intra-family relationships. Her work with mothers and daughters is particularly enjoyable, as is therapy with adolescents. Ruthie’s Christian worldview and vibrant faith energize her practice.